Wednesday, 28 December 2011



Proses pernafasan juga dikenali sebagai proses respirasi. Semua benda hidup bernafas dengan tujuan untuk keterusan hidup.
(Breathing process also known as respiration. All living things breathe all the time to stay alive.)

Apabila kita bernafas, kita akan menyedut gas oksigen dan menyingkirkan gas karbon dioksida dan wap air.
(When we breathe, we taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide and water vapour.)

Organ pernafasan manusia.
(The Human Breathing Organs)

Organ pernafasan manusia ialah paru-paru.
(The Human Breathing Organs is lungs)

Semasa menarik nafas, dada naik ke atas, tulang rusuk terbuka, paru-paru mengembang, diafragma mengecut, dan udara masuk melalui hidung atau mulut.
(During inhalation, the chest moving upward, ribs opening, lungs expanding, diaphragm contracting, and air flows in to the body through the nose or mouth.)

Udara tarik nafas mengandungi lebih banyak oksigen berbanding udara semasa menghembus nafas.
(Inhaled air has more oxygen than exhaled air.)

Semasa menghembus nafas, dada turun ke bawah, tulang rusuk tertutup, paru-paru mengecut, diafragma mengendur, dan udara keluar melalui mulut atau hidung.
(During exhalation, the chest moving downward, ribs closing, lungs contracting, diaphragm relaxing, and air flows out from the lungs, then to the surrounding through the mouth or nose.)

Udara menghembus nafas mengandungi lebih banyak karbon dioksida berbanding udara tarik nafas.
(Exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.)

Saluran sistem pernafasan manusia.
(The tract of human breathing system)

Proses Pernafasan.
( The Breathing Process )


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